The recent buzz in the country is all about the revocation of Article 370 and 35A Article 35A stems from Article 370, having been introduced through a Presidential Order in 1954. Article 35A is unique in the sense that it does not get in the main body of the Constitution. Article 35A of the Indian constitution makes Jammu and Kashmir legislation which the status of a permanent resident of the state. the state is permitted to fly its own flag along with the national flag. J&k had its separate constitution which worked under Article 370 of the constitution. An integration of J&k has occurred on August 5, 2019, by PM and Union Ministers of India By scrapping article 370. There were a lot of mixed views about this step but mostly the public reverted happily with this ordinance. Part XXI of the Constitution of India deals with Temporary, Transitional and Special Provisions’ which was earlier before the revocation of Article 370 and 35A was given to the state of Jammu and Kashmir. It interpreted as temporary in the sense that the J&K Constituent Assembly had a right to modify/delete/retain it. This special status was granted to the state since 1949.

The effects of the revocation of the article have been mostly positive, in the way that J&k has become Union territory and is governed by all the laws under the Indian Constitution. The state will witness rapid economic growth as now foreign institutions are allowed to invest. Any person of Indian origin can now buy land in Kashmir and Kashmiri women can now marry non-Kashmir men. It will overall lead to the tremendous growth of the valley in terms of infrastructure, stopping terrorism, increasing employment opportunities and eradication of poverty. Also, Gender equality will be observed in the town now.

It will be one flag for the whole nation. Every aspect will be subjected to Indian laws. With the advent of this revocation, J&K has become a union territory with the legislative assembly and Ladhak region is separated and became a Union Territory without a legislative assembly, although Article 370 will remain in the constitution having only one part which says ” Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part of India”. this part will not have any negative repercussion in the constitution.

As every coin has two sides so does the new bill passed on revocation of Article 370 and 35A has, the basic advantages which it will fetch will be increase in real estate price under control, now outsider can buy property in Jammu and Kashmir which was earlier not prevalent because of this article , prevent population explosion, poverty eradication, coming on to the downsides of this revocation which people of the Jammu think are lack of employment, depriving women of property rights if they marry with non Kashmiri, increase in terrorism in the town due to the new laws. But definitely is a good step on part of the government which would surely prove to be progressive for the people of the valley.